Okay so I have been working on my paintings lately. Im hoping I get a position at The Art at The Hart Market coming up but as it is a registration process there is no guarentee that I will be offered a spot.
First of all to give you an idea of what this collection is about and what makes it so special is that its unique in the fact that it glows.
I source a specially formulated paint from the USA which glows in the dark and also under UV light. All paintings with this paint have a life-time glow, and glow time ranges from 2 ++ hours a night.
All it needs to charge is light, whether its from the sun coming in through a window or a light left on in the room. Either way its cost free as it uses no power, and as quoted by Glo-nation "These glowing materials can absorb and store energy of various ultraviolet and visible light spectrums, and release that energy in the form of bright light and glow in dark environments."
It also makes a great night light, whether its for children or some of us adults who are afraid of the dark.
So with that I'll leave you with some pictures, and as always your feedback is appreciated.
Please keep in mind some are not yet complete.
Cady xo